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Spotlight: Mineralis

The 50th game by Studio Esagames, Mineralis is a grand undertaking and my first truly professional endeavor.

It is a JRPG inspired by the classics, improving on every shortcoming of the JRPG genre that I could think of. The NPCs are interesting and have plenty of things to say, combat has variety and deep tactics, the party has plenty of opportunities for campfire discussions and intellectual conflict, MP is limited yet doesn't need to be conserved, the game has no random encounters or puzzle bosses, etc.

Mineralis is also designed to naturally teach players about various concepts related to effective altruism, as they interact with the multicultural game world and make decisions that affect various NPCs. However, the game didn't reach its goals in this regard; I wrote a detailed prediction and an honest postmortem about the topic.

Projects in reverse chronological order:

Esagame #55: Alignment is Hard

Alignment is Hard is a high-stakes resource management strategy game about making interesting and meaningful input-random decisions. It addresses a bone I have with mobile strategy games: they tend to be consistently clearable with simple heuristics.

This game on the other hand is designed to hone into the core of what makes strategic decisions interesting: they should affect things without being obvious, be asymmetric to prevent heuristics, input-random to prevent memorization, simple enough to understand at a glance, yet layered enough to make first-order optimization obviously bad.

Alignment is Hard is a work in progress, but already somewhat playable on web and mobile.

Esagame #50: Mineralis

Make an impact in the living, breathing world of Mineralis. Think, talk and fight your way through challenging combat and moral dilemmas. Mineralis is a hyper-meaningful JRPG with 30 years of life advice condensed into 3 hours of gameplay.

Cherry-picked quotes from players:

"I'm used to hitting A until something interesting happens, but the dialogue here was actually good. It is unlike any other game experience I've had. Most games lack something this has, and no others have it all."

"Captures that feeling of playing a really good 16-bit RPG. The soundtrack just kept getting better and better with each passing encounter."

"This game is definitely worth 10 bucks. The dialogue is very meaningful, much more meaningful than in many JRPGs I have played in my life, because it has philosophical elements that question life and decision-making, things like that."

"The characters are too otaku."

Interested in collaboration?

Although I primarily make freeware, I'm on the lookout for exceptional collaborators and talent. Let me know if you're interested in working together!